Training formats
For over 10 years, RENAC has delivered training and educational content covering the newest developments in renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) technology, policy, and finance. RENAC utilises a variety of learning formats that are frequently updated to provide high-quality educational experiences.
How people pursue professional development and further education is impacted by rapid digitalisation. To realise the diverse educational goals and learning outcomes of those interested in renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE), RENAC offers online, in-person, and blended learning courses, programmes, and other activities. Online options may also include live interactions that take place virtually, such as live virtual lectures or live virtual class discussions. These virtual options as part of online content offer many additional advantages and bring together participants and lecturers from all over the world using engaging digital pedagogical elements.
Learning formats are being offered by RENAC as Ready-Made-Training and as Customer-Specific Programmes.
Online Format
RENAC Online offers courses and programmes in several languages (mainly in English and in Spanish) that run for several weeks or months. RENAC Online provides flexibility, so that participants can learn at any time and from any location, following their own schedules.
All courses and programmes include: multimedia learning material; self-tests at the end of course chapters to assess progress; exams; a comprehensive glossary that defines key terms; and an interactive learning platform. Programmes have additional features, such as extensive support from RENAC staff and experts (including feedback on assignments); and seminars and workshops.
Participants may receive certificates of attendance or completion from RENAC.
In-person Format
RENAC’s in-person courses, programmes, and other activities are excellent opportunities to gain more insight into renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE). These in-person options usually run over several days, and include hands-on-training at the RENAC Training Centre, in-person class time, and field trips.
By including up-to-date theoretical lectures, state-of-the-art practical training, and field excursions, in-person offers are not only effective, but also engaging. They also offer participants networking opportunities.
Participants may receive certificates of attendance or completion from RENAC.
Virtual Format
The virtual learning format connects people from all over the world using dynamic digital elements that simulate in-person interactions as part of online courses and programmes.
In these live virtual lectures and activities, instructors use additional tools and interactive learning methods, such brainstorming sessions, discussions, polls, and group exercises. This way, a productive learning atmosphere is being created, which fosters supportive group dynamics from where ever you may be. It also offers the chance to network with peers.
Participants may receive certificates of attendance or completion from RENAC.
Blended Format
RENAC’s blended learning programmes offer a combination of online and in-person elements. Blended learning programmes start with an online learning phase, which runs over a period of several weeks or months.
This online phase offers participants the flexibility to study at their own pace from any location. The online phase includes: extensive support from RENAC content experts; learning platform technical support; a moderated discussion forum for students; live virtual lectures; multimedia learning material; and self-evaluation tests.
At the end of the online phase, participants are prepared for the second phase, which they can attend either in-person or virtually from any location. The second phase includes practical hands-on experiences and informative lectures.
At the end of the programme, participants will receive a RENAC certificate.