Programas a medida

Introduction to renewable energy projects

En línea
Duración: Ca. 1-2 weeks
Tiempo de estudio: 10 horas


  • Renewable energy projects
  • Financial aspects of RE projects
  • Non-financial aspects of RE projects

Objectivos de aprendizaje

After completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Illustrate the steps and tasks of a project life-cycle of RE projects
  • Compare different public and private perspectives onto RE projects
  • Assess project attractiveness with standard methods

Perfil de participantes

This training suits those who:

  • Aim to develop renewable energy projects
  • Want to understand the life-cycle and development steps of renewable energy projects

This training is also recommended for non-engineers.

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Manolita Wiehl

Business Development and SalesExternal expert
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