Términos & Condiciones
Ámbito de Aplicación
Renewables Academy AG («RENAC») ofrece programas de formación sobre energías renovables a nivel internacional, así como diversos servicios empresariales para el desarrollo de capacidades encaminadas a un suministro energético sostenible. Entre ellos se incluyen:
(i) ofertas de formación en línea («Formaciones en línea»)
(ii) ofertas de formación semipresencial («Formaciones híbridas»)
(iii) ofertas de formación presencial («Formaciones presenciales»)
Las tres opciones constituyen la oferta de formación de RENAC («Formaciones RENAC»).
(i) Los programas de formación en línea de RENAC están aprobados por la Agencia de Educación a Distancia «ZFU Staatliche Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht», con sede en Colonia, Alemania. Toda la oferta de formación en línea de RENAC se ofrece de manera virtual en la plataforma de educación a distancia de RENAC («Plataforma de E-Learning»).
(ii) Las formaciones híbridas de RENAC incluyen un componente de formación a distancia que se desarrolla en línea y cuya interacción puede tener lugar de forma virtual y en directo («Aprendizaje virtual»), y un componente de formación presencial («Formaciones presenciales»).
El sitio web de RENAC www.renac.de ofrece información detallada sobre el contenido, la duración, el material, el número de aulas virtuales en línea, los periodos de evaluación y los servicios de apoyo de las formaciones en línea, híbridas y presenciales de RENAC.
Los siguientes términos y condiciones («T&C») rigen la participación y el uso de todos los servicios de formación de RENAC como se describe en el sitio web de RENAC (www.renac.de). Los presentes T&C se aplican a las personas que se inscriben como particulares o como parte de una inscripción corporativa («Participante»). Estos T&C regirán el presente contrato con carácter exclusivo. El/la Participante acepta que quedan excluidos y no entrarán en vigor cualesquiera términos y condiciones, directrices de contratación, etc. propios del/a Participante.
1. Condiciones de participación
a) Los cursos de formación de RENAC se imparten principalmente en inglés; todas las contribuciones del/a Participante deberán presentarse en inglés. A fin de verificar que el/la Participante comprende el contenido de la Formación, RENAC presupone un nivel C1 de conocimientos de inglés, de acuerdo con el Marco Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas. Para las formaciones impartidas en español, todas las contribuciones de participantes deberán presentarse en lengua española y RENAC presupone también al menos el nivel C1.
b) Se requieren conocimientos matemáticos para las secciones individuales. Por ello, el/la Participante necesita conocimientos matemáticos de cálculo de triángulos (trigonometría) y logaritmos. Se recomienda haber completado la educación media superior.
c) Quienes participen en las formaciones en línea y virtuales de RENAC deberán tener acceso a una computadora con conexión a Internet. Se recomienda una conexión a Internet con velocidad de transmisión de datos de al menos 2 Mbit/s para poder ver los videos educativos. Se requieren conocimientos básicos de Internet.
d) Las formaciones en línea de RENAC concluyen con un examen final en línea. El/a Participante debe realizar una declaración jurada de que el examen final se llevará a cabo de forma independiente y sin ningún tipo de ayuda.
2. Contrato de participación en las formaciones de RENAC
a) Para inscribirse en un curso de formación de RENAC, es necesario llenar el formulario de inscripción en línea y enviarlo a RENAC dentro del plazo establecido. Los plazos de inscripción pueden consultarse en www.renac.de. Al inscribirse en línea, el/la Participante presenta a RENAC una oferta vinculante para la Formación seleccionada. Al inscribirse, el/la Participante acepta los presentes T&C, así como el precio de la Formación de RENAC seleccionada, los servicios y las
normas de evaluación de RENAC («Normas de Evaluación») descritas en la página web de RENAC en el momento de la inscripción, todo lo cual constituye el
Contrato de Formación en Línea, Contrato de Formación Presencial y/o Contrato de Formación Híbrida de RENAC («Contrato»). El derecho de participación en la
Formación de RENAC seleccionada será exclusivo de la persona que figure en el formulario de inscripción. El/La Participante deberá efectuar el pago correspondiente a RENAC. La descripción del servicio de la Formación de RENAC no constituye una oferta jurídicamente vinculante. RENAC no tiene obligación alguna de aceptar la solicitud de inscripción de un/a Participante en un curso de Formación de RENAC.
b) (i) El Contrato de Formación en Línea entre el/la Participante y RENAC se inicia con la confirmación por correo electrónico de RENAC. RENAC deberá dar acceso al/a la Participante a la Plataforma de E-Learning y a todos los servicios. El/La Participante deberá efectuar el pago correspondiente a RENAC.
c) (ii) El Contrato de Formación Presencial entre el/la Participante y RENAC entrará en vigor tras la confirmación definitiva de la reserva por correo electrónico por parte de RENAC, que se enviará al/a la Participante 28 días naturales antes del inicio de la Formación Presencial. Hasta ese momento, RENAC se reserva el derecho de cancelar la formación presencial por correo electrónico sin necesidad de justificación. Cualquier reserva de viaje o de otro tipo realizada por el/la Participante antes de recibir la confirmación definitiva por parte de RENAC correrá por cuenta y riesgo del/de la Participante.
d) (iii) El Contrato de Formación Híbrida entre el/la Participante y RENAC entrará en vigor tras la confirmación definitiva de la reserva por correo electrónico por parte de RENAC, que se enviará al/la Participante a más tardar catorce días naturales antes del inicio de la Formación Híbrida. Hasta ese momento, RENAC se reserva el derecho de cancelar la formación híbrida por correo electrónico sin necesidad de justificación. Cualquier preparativo realizado por el/la Participante antes de recibir la confirmación definitiva por parte de RENAC correrá por cuenta y riesgo del/de la Participante.
e) RENAC se reserva el derecho a modificar los presentes T&C así como las Normas de Evaluación de RENAC de forma periódica. Se notificará al/a la Participante sobre cualquier cambio.
3. Inicio de la Formación
a) Las formaciones en línea e híbridas de RENAC comienzan en la fecha de admisión seleccionada en el formulario de inscripción (1 de febrero, abril, julio u octubre).
b) El/La Participante recibirá todos los datos de acceso necesarios para la Plataforma de E-Learning de RENAC varios días antes de la fecha oficial de inicio de la formación en línea o híbrida de RENAC.
c) El acceso a la Plataforma de E-Learning se permitirá en la fecha oficial de inicio de la Formación.
4. Material de aprendizaje de RENAC
a) El material de aprendizaje de las formaciones de RENAC puede consistir, entre otros, de: material de lectura en línea, archivos para descargar, gráficos, cuestionarios de autoevaluación, exámenes, tareas y enlaces, datos y programas de software, así como todos los documentos e información organizativos y técnicos proporcionados como parte de la formación por RENAC, sus empleados o contratistas («Material»). En las formaciones presenciales, RENAC puede proporcionar material adicional impreso.
b) El material se proporciona únicamente para uso personal, educativo y no comercial del/a Participante.
c) RENAC o sus licenciantes se reservan en exclusiva todos los derechos, títulos e intereses sobre dicho Material, incluidos, entre otros, la reproducción, distribución, publicación, divulgación, transmisión, traducción, representación, exhibición, adaptación y modificación.
d) El Participante se compromete en especial a:
- no copiar ni imprimir ningún Material, salvo el que se indique de manera específica;
- no alquilar, arrendar, sublicenciar, prestar, traducir, fusionar, adaptar, variar o modificar el Material;
- no alterar ni modificar la totalidad o parte del Material, ni permitir que el Material o parte del mismo se combine con otros materiales o se incorpore a ellos;
- no proporcionar o poner a disposición de cualquier otra forma el Material en su totalidad o en parte, en cualquier forma, a ninguna persona sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de RENAC.
5. Plataforma de E-Learning de RENAC
a) Se puede acceder a la Plataforma de E-Learning de RENAC mediante una contraseña específica para cada Participante. Todas las personas que participen en una formación en línea o híbrida en curso tienen acceso a la Plataforma de E-Learning y pueden utilizar los foros para publicar comentarios, preguntas, opiniones, enlaces, documentos, imágenes, etc. relacionados con el contenido. También podrán dar información privada sobre sí mismas y subir fotos y documentos. La información personal compartida no debe ser irrelevante o excesiva en relación con los fines acordados. Cualquier contenido cargado o introducido es totalmente accesible para el resto de Participantes.
b) Si el/la Participante comparte algún contenido (por ejemplo, carga o introduce información privada) en la Plataforma de E-Learning, él/ella es responsable de la seguridad de dicha información. El/La Participante debe notificar inmediatamente a RENAC a la dirección tutor@renac.de sobre cualquier uso no autorizado de su información o cualquier otra violación de la seguridad. RENAC no será responsable de los actos u omisiones del/de la Participante, incluidos los daños y perjuicios de cualquier naturaleza derivados de dichos actos u omisiones.
c) RENAC no ha revisado, y no puede revisar, todo el material disponible a través de los sitios y páginas web a los que enlaza la Plataforma de E-Learning, y que enlazan con la Plataforma de E-Learning. RENAC no tiene control sobre el contenido de sitios o páginas web de E-Learning de terceros y no es responsable de su contenido o su uso. Al proporcionar un enlace a un sitio o página web fuera de la Plataforma de E-Learning de RENAC, la empresa no manifiesta ni da a entender que respalda dicho sitio o página web. Se recomienda al/la Participante que revise las políticas de privacidad de los sitios web enlazados, ya que pueden diferir de las propias políticas de RENAC.
d) Las publicaciones y otros contenidos de la Plataforma de E-Learning no proporcionados directamente por RENAC pueden incluir contenidos ofensivos, indecentes o censurables, así como contenidos que contengan imprecisiones técnicas, errores tipográficos y otros errores. Las publicaciones y otros contenidos de la Plataforma de E-Learning no proporcionados directamente por RENAC también pueden contener material que viole los derechos de privacidad o publicidad, o infrinja la propiedad intelectual, y otros derechos de propiedad, de terceros. La descarga, copia o uso de contenidos de terceros puede estar sujeta a términos y condiciones adicionales, declarados o no. RENAC se deslinda de toda responsabilidad por cualquier daño derivado del uso de la Plataforma de E-Learning por parte de los usuarios, o de cualquier descarga de contenidos publicados que no sean de RENAC por parte de dichos usuarios.
e) RENAC no puede revisar todo el material publicado en la Plataforma de E-Learning y, por lo tanto, no puede ser responsable del contenido, uso o efectos de dicho material. La utilización de la Plataforma de E-Learning por parte de RENAC no implica que apruebe el material allí publicado, ni que considere que dicho material sea preciso, útil o no perjudicial.
f) RENAC informa al/a la Participante que la Plataforma de E-Learning es un servicio prestado por 3iPunt. El uso de la Plataforma de E-Learning puede estar sujeto a términos y condiciones adicionales de 3iPunt.
6. Responsabilidad de los usuarios de la plataforma de e-learning de RENAC
a) El/La Participante es responsable de tomar las precauciones necesarias para proteger sus sistemas informáticos personales de virus, gusanos, troyanos y otros contenidos dañinos o destructivos.
b) El/La Participante no debe publicar ni cargar material en la Plataforma de E-Learning con contenidos de naturaleza ofensiva, indecente o censurable. El/La Participante deberá abstenerse de cualquier actividad dentro de la Plataforma de E-Learning que viole los derechos de privacidad o publicidad, o infrinja la propiedad intelectual, y otros derechos de propiedad, de terceros.
c) El/La Participante no deberá transmitir la(s) contraseña(s) y deberá protegerla(s) de forma razonable contra el uso indebido por parte de terceros.
7. Atención de especialistas, cuestiones organizativas y apoyo técnico
a) El personal docente cualificado de RENAC estará a su disposición por correo electrónico durante todo el curso de formación en línea para responder a las preguntas relacionadas con el contenido. El grupo de especialistas de RENAC procura responder lo antes posible; no obstante, el plazo máximo de respuesta es de 48 horas en días laborables en Alemania. Las preguntas se responden en la plataforma de E-Learning de RENAC. Todas las preguntas y respuestas serán visibles para todas las personas participantes.
b) Las solicitudes o preguntas sobre cuestiones organizativas y técnicas deben dirigirse a tutor@renac.de.
c) Toda la correspondencia con conferenciantes, docentes, consultores, autores o cualquier otra persona que proporcione formación o material de formación en nombre de RENAC debe realizarse a través de la plataforma de E-Learning de RENAC.
8. Atención de especialistas, cuestiones organizativas y preparativos de viaje para formaciones presenciales
a) El/La Participante deberá organizar, reservar y pagar el viaje de ida y vuelta desde su lugar de origen hasta Berlín, así como organizar, reservar y pagar el alojamiento en Berlín, y todos los demás preparativos del viaje que no estén explícitamente incluidos en el precio de la formación presencial, sin ningún tipo de ayuda (financiera o de otro tipo) por parte de RENAC.
b) El proceso de solicitud de visa debe tenerse en cuenta a la hora de hacer una reserva. Los/Las participantes asumirán todos los gastos y riesgos derivados de los trámites de solicitud de visa. En caso de que algún/a Participante necesite una carta invitación para su embajada alemana local, RENAC enviará dicha carta por vía electrónica a la persona interesada una vez recibido el pago en la cuenta bancaria de RENAC (o de su socio) y facilitados los datos del pasaporte del/de la Participante.
c) RENAC proporcionará al/ a la Participante información sobre hoteles y alojamientos cercanos al lugar donde se impartirá la formación presencial. Los gastos de desplazamiento, etc. en el marco de la formación presencial, como las visitas a sitios, las comidas del curso y las excursiones, están cubiertos por el precio de la formación presencial.
d) El/La Participante recibirá todas las instrucciones pertinentes, incluyendo fechas, horarios e indicaciones especiales, a más tardar dos (2) semanas antes de la formación presencial. RENAC puede cambiar fechas, horarios, lugares y temas programados si es necesario.
9. Atención de especialistas, cuestiones organizativas y apoyo técnico para formaciones híbridas
a) Las formaciones híbridas de RENAC incluyen los siguientes elementos, cuyas condiciones se describen a continuación:
a. Aprendizaje en línea en la Plataforma de E-Learning (descrito en §7a, 7b, 7c);
b. Aprendizaje virtual en directo (descrito en §9.1, 9.2);
c. Formación presencial (descrita en §9.3).
9.1 Aprendizaje virtual en directo
a) Ajustes: Cada participante es responsable de hacer los ajustes técnicos necesarios para participar de forma interactiva en los eventos (por ejemplo, aulas virtuales en directo). Por lo tanto, se solicita lo siguiente:
- Recomendamos estar en una habitación tranquila y bien iluminada donde sea posible seguir el evento sin interrupciones.
- Conecte su computadora a Internet a través de un cable LAN. Utilizar WLAN también puede funcionar, pero dependiendo de la conexión, es más susceptible a la pérdida de conectividad.
- Recomendamos el uso de cámara y micrófono para la comunicación con las otras personas participantes.
- Inicie sesión al menos 10 minutos (o según lo especificado por la persona encargada) antes del inicio oficial para que cualquier problema técnico se pueda resolver antes del inicio.
- Al hacer clic en «Unirse», ingrese los datos de acceso proporcionados (ID y contraseña). Se le preguntará si desea unirse a través de su navegador (Firefox, Chrome, etc.) o a través de la aplicación de Zoom. Para garantizar la mejor experiencia y poder participar activamente en el evento, recomendamos utilizar la aplicación Zoom. Encontrará más información en el sitio web de Zoom, haciendo clic en este enlace: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/214629443-Zoom-web-client.
b) Comunicación: Nuestros seminarios virtuales en directo son eventos interactivos caracterizados por un ambiente de grupo positivo e intercambios enriquecedores entre las personas participantes. Para ayudar a generar este ambiente positivo, le pedimos que haga lo siguiente:
- Al iniciar sesión, introduzca su nombre completo (nombre y apellidos) y la institución que representa entre paréntesis (si procede), para que todos puedan dirigirse a usted como lo desee.
- Mantenga su video encendido durante toda la sesión para una comunicación más efectiva entre participantes.
- Apague su micrófono durante las intervenciones de los demás para reducir la interferencia de los ruidos de fondo.
- Si alguien más está hablando y usted desea hacer un comentario, utilice el ícono de «levantar la mano» o publique su pregunta o idea en el chat. La persona a cargo de la moderación le permitirá intervenir en un momento adecuado, o responderá en el chat.
• Cuando tenga el uso de la palabra, encienda el micrófono y preséntese brevemente con su nombre y, si procede, su institución, para que los demás participantes sepan quién está hablando.
c) Grabación: Dependiendo del evento, podemos grabar y compartir la grabación con participantes o socios del proyecto. De ser así, le informaremos antes del inicio del evento. Si no desea que se le vea o escuche en una grabación, le pedimos que nos lo comunique de antemano para que podamos tenerlo en cuenta. No será necesario que encienda su cámara o micrófono; podrá comunicarse a través del chat.
En los webinarios gratuitos diseñados para publicarse en línea, sólo es posible hacer preguntas a través del chat. El/la docente a cargo podrá mencionar su nombre como aparece en Zoom y referirse a su pregunta al responder.
d) Fotos/Capturas de pantalla: No tomaremos capturas de pantalla o fotos durante las sesiones ni las publicaremos en redes sociales sin preguntar. Si deseamos tomarle una foto y compartirla, le pediremos su autorización.
9.2 Responsabilidad de los/las Participantes en las formaciones virtuales en directo de RENAC
a) La Formación Virtual en Directo como parte del formato de aprendizaje híbrido se llevará a cabo en un aula virtual («Plataforma de Formación Virtual en Directo»).
b) El/La Participante es responsable de tomar las precauciones necesarias para proteger sus sistemas informáticos personales de virus, gusanos, troyanos y otros contenidos dañinos o destructivos.
c) El/La Participante no debe publicar ni cargar material en la Plataforma de Formación Virtual con contenidos de naturaleza ofensiva, indecente o censurable. El/La Participante deberá abstenerse de cualquier actividad dentro de la Plataforma de Formación Virtual que viole los derechos de privacidad o publicidad, o infrinja la propiedad intelectual, y otros derechos de propiedad, de terceros.
d) El/La Participante no debe compartir ni comunicar su(s) contraseña(s) a otras personas y debe tomar precauciones razonables para proteger su(s) contraseña(s) contra el uso indebido por parte de terceros.
9.3 Formaciones presenciales
a) El componente de formación presencial forma parte de la Formación Híbrida y se imparte en un formato mixto. Se puede participar en persona o de manera virtual en directo. En caso de participación virtual, se aplicarán las normas para eventos virtuales en directo (§9.2). En caso de participación presencial, se aplican las siguientes normas.
b) El/La Participante deberá organizar, reservar y pagar el viaje de ida y vuelta desde su lugar de origen hasta Berlín, así como organizar, reservar y pagar el alojamiento en Berlín, y todos los demás preparativos del viaje que no estén explícitamente incluidos en el precio de la formación presencial, sin ningún tipo de ayuda (financiera o de otro tipo) por parte de RENAC.
c) El proceso de solicitud de visa debe tenerse en cuenta a la hora de hacer una reserva. Los/Las participantes asumirán todos los gastos y riesgos derivados de los trámites de solicitud de visa. En caso de que algún/a Participante necesite una carta invitación para su embajada alemana local, RENAC enviará dicha carta por vía electrónica a la persona interesada una vez recibido el pago en la cuenta bancaria de RENAC (o de su socio) y facilitados los datos del pasaporte del/de la Participante.
d) RENAC proporcionará al/ a la Participante información sobre hoteles y alojamientos cercanos al lugar donde se impartirá la formación presencial.
Los gastos de desplazamiento, etc. en el marco de la formación presencial, como las visitas a sitios, las comidas del curso y las excursiones, están cubiertos por el precio de la formación presencial.
e) El/La Participante recibirá todas las instrucciones pertinentes, incluyendo fechas, horarios e indicaciones especiales, a más tardar dos (2) semanas antes de la formación presencial. RENAC puede cambiar fechas, horarios, lugares y temas programados si es necesario.
10. Métodos de evaluación y certificados RENAC
a) Todos los métodos de evaluación de la formación, incluidas las autoevaluaciones, las tareas y el examen final, se rigen por el reglamento de evaluación de RENAC («Normas de Evaluación»). El aprovechamiento de los/las Participantes en los cursos de formación de RENAC podrá calificarse de acuerdo con las Normas de Evaluación de RENAC una vez que el/la Participante haya presentado el examen final.
b) (i) Los/Las Participantes que aprueben la Formación en Línea de RENAC recibirán un «Certificado RENAC con calificación» que acredite su asistencia y aprobación de la Formación en Línea de RENAC. El certificado también mostrará la calificación final del/a Participante. Quienes no aprueben la Formación en Línea de RENAC recibirán un «Certificado RENAC de Asistencia». El Certificado de Asistencia no incluirá la calificación final. RENAC envía el Certificado RENAC en formato PDF a la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada por el/la Participante en su formulario de inscripción. Cada Participante tiene la obligación de facilitar una dirección de correo electrónico actualizada, que pueda recibir mensajes con archivos adjuntos de más de 4 MB.
c) (ii)/ (iii) Los/as participantes que aprueben una formación híbrida y/o presencial de RENAC recibirán un «Certificado RENAC» que acredita que el/la participante asistió y aprobó la formación cumpliendo todos los requisitos de evaluación. El certificado también puede mostrar la calificación final del/a Participante. Quienes no aprueben la Formación de RENAC recibirán un «Certificado RENAC de Asistencia». El Certificado de Asistencia no incluirá la calificación final. No se otorgará el certificado si el/la Participante falta a más de un tercio de todas las lecciones programadas.
11. Precio y pago
a) Salvo que RENAC acuerde expresamente lo contrario, la estructura de precios y descuentos de cada formación de RENAC será la que figure en el sitio web de RENAC en la fecha en que se envíe a RENAC el formulario de solicitud en línea.
b) (i) Los precios de las formaciones en línea de RENAC que figuran en el sitio web de RENAC son definitivos y con todo incluido. No hay gastos de tramitación, ni cargos adicionales por exámenes, certificados o cualquier otro servicio descrito en el sitio web de RENAC. Los precios con el 19% de IVA incluido se aplican a clientes particulares residentes en la UE, empresas/organismos públicos y ONGs en Alemania. No se añade IVA a clientes particulares residentes fuera de la UE, empresas/organismos públicos y ONGs fuera de Alemania.
Todos los gastos necesarios para participar en las formaciones en línea de RENAC, como los gastos de conexión a Internet, gastos relacionados con el equipo de cómputo, gastos de impresión, etc., correrán a cargo exclusivo del/a participante.
c) (ii) Los precios de las formaciones presenciales de RENAC que figuran en el sitio web de RENAC son definitivos e incluyen la enseñanza, las clases de formación presencial, el material del seminario, el almuerzo y el café durante las pausas del seminario, el evento de bienvenida y las excursiones, incluyendo el transporte. No hay cargos adicionales por tramitación, certificados o cualquier otro servicio descrito en el sitio web de RENAC. Los precios aparecen en euros e incluyen el IVA.
d) (iii) Los precios de las formaciones híbridas de RENAC son definitivos e incluyen las sesiones de formación híbrida y el material didáctico. No hay cargos adicionales por tramitación, certificados o cualquier otro servicio descrito en el sitio web de RENAC. Los precios con el 19% de IVA incluido se aplican a clientes particulares residentes en la UE, empresas/organismos públicos y ONGs en Alemania. No se añade IVA a clientes particulares residentes fuera de la UE, empresas/organismos públicos y ONGs fuera de Alemania.
e) El pago de todos los cursos de formación de RENAC sólo puede realizarse con tarjeta de crédito, PayPal o transferencia bancaria.
f) (i) El pago de toda Formación Presencial debe ser recibido por RENAC a más tardar 28 días antes del inicio de la formación en cuestión.
g) (ii) El pago de toda formación híbrida debe ser recibido por RENAC a más tardar 14 días antes de la formación o 7 días después de la inscripción.
h) Para pagos con tarjeta de crédito, RENAC utiliza todos los métodos habituales en el sector para salvaguardar la confidencialidad de los datos de la tarjeta de crédito de los/las participantes, como tecnología de cifrado y cortafuegos. Sin embargo, ninguna medida de seguridad garantiza una fiabilidad perfecta. El número de la tarjeta de crédito del/a Participante y la información de contacto se facilitarán a WorldPay o a la compañía de la tarjeta de crédito correspondiente. («Compañía de la Tarjeta de Crédito»). Worldpay realiza el cobro de los pagos con tarjeta de crédito por nosotros y, por lo tanto, tiene acceso a la información de la tarjeta de crédito y a la información adicional necesaria para confirmar la ubicación y la identidad de quien realiza el pago. La Compañía de la Tarjeta de Crédito tiene sus propias prácticas de privacidad y recopilación de datos y RENAC no tiene ninguna responsabilidad por estas prácticas independientes.
i) Los/Las participantes son responsables del pago de los gastos bancarios generados en su país de residencia; RENAC cubrirá los gastos de transferencia de fondos generados en Alemania.
12. Plazo y finalización de las formaciones en línea de RENAC
a) El Contrato de Formación en Línea de RENAC finaliza, a más tardar, dos (2) semanas después de la finalización oficial de la Formación en Línea en cuestión.
b) RENAC se reserva el derecho (en cualquier momento) de poner fin a la participación del/a Participante y a su acceso a la Plataforma de E-Learning con efecto inmediato si se incumple cualquiera de los términos materiales de los presentes T&C mediante el envío de una notificación por correo electrónico al/a la Participante (a la dirección de correo electrónico facilitada en el formulario de inscripción).
c) Cualquier rescisión o notificación deberá hacerse por escrito o por correo electrónico.
13. Política de cancelación de las formaciones presenciales e híbridas de RENAC
a) Si, por cualquier motivo, RENAC tuviera que cancelar una formación presencial o híbrida antes de la confirmación definitiva de la reserva, se reembolsarán íntegramente los importes pagados.
b) Si, por cualquier motivo, RENAC tuviera que cancelar una formación presencial después de la confirmación definitiva de la reserva, RENAC reembolsará el importe total de la formación presencial ya abonado, más los gastos de cancelación del vuelo ocasionados por la cancelación de RENAC. RENAC no cubrirá ninguna otra reclamación por gastos relacionados con la asistencia a la formación presencial, incluida la compensación por costos relacionados con otros gastos de vuelo, alojamiento (por ejemplo, hotel), gastos de transferencia de dinero, etc. en los que haya incurrido el/la Participante.
c) El/La Participante podrá cancelar su participación en una Formación Presencial en cualquier momento antes del comienzo de la misma, notificándolo a RENAC por correo electrónico. RENAC cobrará al/a la Participante una cuota de cancelación de acuerdo con la fecha de recepción de la solicitud de cancelación. Se cobrará al/a la Participante:
- 20% del importe de la Formación Presencial para cancelaciones recibidas entre 28 y 14 días naturales antes del inicio de dicha formación.
- 80% del importe de la Formación Presencial para cancelaciones recibidas 13 días naturales o menos antes del inicio de dicha formación.
- 100% del importe de la Formación Presencial para Participantes que no asistan a dicha formación sin previa notificación a RENAC.
d) Si, por cualquier motivo, RENAC tuviera que cancelar una Formación Híbrida antes de la confirmación definitiva de la reserva, se reembolsarán íntegramente los importes pagados. No se cubrirán los gastos de transferencia de dinero en que incurra el/la Participante.
e) El/La Participante podrá cancelar su participación en una Formación Híbrida en cualquier momento antes del comienzo de la misma, notificándolo a RENAC por correo electrónico. RENAC cobrará al/a la Participante una cuota de cancelación de acuerdo con la fecha de recepción de la solicitud de cancelación. Se cobrará al/a la Participante:
- 20% del importe de la Formación Híbrida para cancelaciones recibidas entre 14 y 7 días naturales antes del inicio de dicha formación.
- 80% del importe de la Formación Híbrida para cancelaciones recibidas 7 días naturales o menos antes del inicio de dicha formación.
- 100% del importe de la Formación Híbrida para Participantes que no asistan a dicha formación sin previa notificación a RENAC.
- Si por alguna razón un/a participante no puede terminar un semestre, puede interrumpir su participación y continuar con sus estudios en el siguiente semestre (por supuesto, sólo dentro de la Online Academy) y deberá abonar el 20% del precio original por concepto de gastos administrativos para el siguiente semestre.
f) Las inscripciones para formaciones presenciales e híbridas no podrán transferirse a otro curso.
g) Todas las cancelaciones deben recibirse por escrito, por correo electrónico o correo directo.
14. Derecho de rescisión
El/La Participante tiene derecho a rescindir el Contrato de Formación en Línea de RENAC, el Contrato de Formación Presencial de RENAC o el Contrato de Formación Híbrida de RENAC en un plazo de catorce (14) días sin necesidad de justificación. El plazo de rescisión es de catorce (14) días a partir de la fecha de entrada en vigor del Contrato de Formación de RENAC. El envío oportuno de la notificación de rescisión antes de que expire el plazo bastará para cumplir el plazo de rescisión.
Si desea rescindir un Contrato, realice las modificaciones correspondientes en el ejemplo que figura a continuación y envíelo a nuestra dirección de correo electrónico: info@renac.de
«Yo/nosotros (insertar nombre(s)) por la presente renuncio/renunciamos al Contrato celebrado por mí/nosotros para la participación en el (insertar título del curso), reservado el (insertar fecha de inscripción) para comenzar el (fecha de inicio del curso).»
15. Consecuencias de la rescisión
Si un/a Participante rescinde el Contrato de Formación de RENAC, RENAC deberá reembolsar todos los pagos ya recibidos del/de la Participante, incluidos los gastos de impartición, a menos que el/la Participante incurra en gastos de impartición adicionales debido a la selección de una opción de impartición no estándar. En dichos casos, se reembolsarán al/a la Participante los costos de la opción de impartición estándar menos costosa ofrecida por RENAC, sin demora y a más tardar catorce (14) días a partir de la fecha en que RENAC reciba la notificación de rescisión del Contrato. Para este reembolso, RENAC utiliza el mismo método de pago utilizado por el/la Participante en la transacción original, a menos que se acuerde explícitamente lo contrario. No se cobrará al/a la Participante ninguna comisión por el proceso de reembolso.
16. Política de privacidad
RENAC recabará, procesará y utilizará los datos personales del/a Participante para prestarle servicios de aprendizaje. RENAC no transmitirá datos personales a terceros sin el consentimiento explícito del/a Participante a menos que RENAC esté obligada a hacerlo por ley.
Los datos personales se resguardarán mientras sea necesario para la prestación de los servicios de Formación en Línea de RENAC, y 10 años más por motivos fiscales o legales.
Consulte la Política de Privacidad de RENAC aquí: https://www.renac.de/renac/privacy-policy
17. Garantías y exclusiones de los servicios
a) Todas las formaciones de RENAC han sido preparadas con el máximo cuidado y según el leal saber y entender de RENAC.
b) RENAC se esforzará por poner a disposición la Plataforma de E-Learning y sus Formaciones en Línea, pero no puede garantizar que la Plataforma de E-Learning y/o las Formaciones en Línea funcionen de forma continua o sin interrupciones que puedan afectar su uso. Las formaciones en línea y/o la Plataforma de E-Learning pueden proporcionar enlaces a otros sitios web que no están bajo el control de RENAC. RENAC no será responsable de ninguna manera por el contenido de cualquiera de esos otros sitios web. El/La Participante reconoce que RENAC proporciona dichos enlaces únicamente para su conveniencia.
c) La Plataforma de E-Learning y/o todo el material, instrucción y contenido didáctico de RENAC se proporcionan únicamente con fines de información general e ilustrativos y no constituyen asesoramiento financiero, jurídico o profesional de otro tipo. Ni RENAC ni los contratistas de RENAC garantizan la integridad y exactitud de la información, incluidos los cálculos. RENAC no puede garantizar en modo alguno la exactitud de las afirmaciones, suposiciones y estimaciones sobre el futuro realizadas en el marco de cualquier formación en línea, presencial o híbrida, ni la consecución de las previsiones y predicciones.
d) No se ofrece ninguna garantía de que el Material de formación sea adecuado para un fin determinado.
18. Propiedad intelectual (derechos de autor y marcas registradas)
a) Todos los materiales del curso, incluyendo textos, imágenes y marcas registradas, están protegidos por las leyes de derechos de autor y marcas registradas y son propiedad de RENAC.
b) RENAC, el logotipo de RENAC y todas las demás marcas comerciales, marcas de servicio, gráficos y logotipos utilizados en relación con las formaciones en línea, presenciales e híbridas son marcas comerciales de RENAC AG o de los licenciantes de RENAC. Otras marcas comerciales, marcas de servicio, gráficos y logotipos utilizados en relación con las formaciones presenciales pueden ser marcas comerciales de terceros. El uso por parte del/a Participante de los servicios de Formación Presencial no le otorga derecho ni licencia para reproducir o utilizar de cualquier otro modo cualquier material del curso y marcas registradas de RENAC o de terceros.
c) Se perseguirá estrictamente cualquier infracción de los derechos de propiedad intelectual de RENAC.
19. Exención de responsabilidad
Los Participantes eximen a RENAC, a sus contratistas, a sus licenciantes y a sus respectivos directores, funcionarios, empleados y agentes de toda reclamación y gasto, incluidos los honorarios de abogados, derivados del uso de la Plataforma de E-Learning de RENAC, incluyendo, pero no limitado a, la violación de los presentes T&C por parte del/a Participante. Los clientes corporativos son responsables de los/las participantes que hayan inscrito.
20. Responsabilidad
a) Nada de lo dispuesto en los presentes T&C excluirá o limitará la responsabilidad de RENAC por:
- muerte o daños personales causados por negligencia de RENAC, sus servidores, agentes, empleados o subcontratistas;
- obligaciones contractuales esenciales.
Con respecto al incumplimiento de las obligaciones contractuales esenciales, RENAC sólo será responsable de los daños típicos y previsibles en el contexto de la relación contractual.
b) Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en la cláusula a) del presente apartado, RENAC no será responsable de los daños causados por negligencia leve.
c) Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en la cláusula a) del presente apartado, RENAC no será responsable ante el/la Participante ni ante terceros de ninguna pérdida, daño o costo en relación con:
- pérdida de beneficios, beneficios esperados, ingresos o ahorros previstos, fondo de comercio u oportunidad de negocio; o
- pérdidas o daños indirectos o consecuentes
independientemente de si alguna de las cuestiones enumeradas en (a), (b) y (c) son previsibles, conocidas, previstas o no.
d) Sin perjuicio de la condición (a) del presente apartado, la responsabilidad máxima de RENAC derivada de o relacionada con cualquier Contrato celebrado en virtud de los presentes T&C o de cualquier contrato de garantía, ya sea contractual, extracontractual (incluida en cada caso la negligencia) o de otro tipo, no excederá en ningún caso de 1000 euros o de la suma abonada por el/la Participante a RENAC, si ésta fuera inferior.
e) Ninguna de las partes será responsable ante la otra por cualquier incumplimiento o retraso en el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones en virtud de los presentes T&C causado por circunstancias ajenas al control razonable de dicha parte.
21. Jurisdicción y competencia territorial
a) Los presentes T&C (y todos los litigios, ya sean contractuales o de otro tipo, derivados de los mismos o relacionados con ellos) se rigen por la legislación alemana, con exclusión de lo dispuesto en el Derecho Internacional Privado.
b) El fuero competente será Berlín, Alemania.
22. Disposiciones finales
a) En caso de que alguna de las disposiciones del Contrato fuera o llegara a ser nula en su totalidad o en parte, la validez del resto de las disposiciones no se verá afectada. La disposición total o parcialmente nula deberá ser sustituida por otra que corresponda lo más posible, de manera jurídicamente admisible, a la finalidad comercial de la disposición nula. Esto también se aplica a la eliminación de cualquier laguna contractual.
b) Los beneficios y obligaciones conferidos por los presentes T&C al/a la Participante no podrán ser cedidos, delegados, transferidos, subcontratados o gravados, o de otro modo puestos a disposición o enajenados, sin el previo consentimiento expreso y por escrito de RENAC.
c) Cualquier modificación o suplemento al Contrato de Formación en Línea de RENAC sólo será válido si se realiza por escrito. No existirán acuerdos verbales subsidiarios.
d) Las notificaciones al/a la Participante podrán enviarse por correo electrónico o a la dirección postal que figure en el formulario de inscripción del/de la Participante. La notificación se considerará recibida veinticuatro (24) horas después del envío de un correo electrónico o tres (3) días después de la fecha de envío por correo postal. Los/Las participantes tienen la obligación de reenviar inmediatamente los correos electrónicos pertinentes de RENAC a la persona responsable de su empresa.
e) RENAC se reserva el derecho a modificar los presentes T&C eventualmente. Se notificará al/a la Participante sobre cualquier cambio.
Scope of Application
Renewables Academy AG («RENAC») provides training on green energy internationally and a variety of business services to develop capacities for a sustainable energy supply, including online training offers (“RENAC Online Training”). RENAC Online Training programmes are approved by the Agency for Distance Education “ZFU Staatliche Zentralstelle für Fernunterricht”, Cologne, Germany. All RENAC Online Training offers are provided online on the RENAC e-learning platform (“E-Learning Platform”). Detailed information on RENAC’s Online Training content, duration, material provision, number of online live virtual classrooms, testing intervals, and supporting services are described in the individual RENAC Online Training descriptions available at www.renac.de.
The following terms and conditions (“T&C”) govern the participation in and use of all RENAC Online Training services as described on the RENAC website (www.renac.de). These T&C apply to persons who enrol as individuals or who enrol as part of a corporate enrolment (“Participant”). These T&C shall govern this agreement exclusively, the Participant here with agrees that any Participant’s terms and conditions, procurement guidelines, etc. are herewith excluded and will not come into effect.
1. Conditions for Participation
a) RENAC Online Training is mainly conducted in English; all contributions of the Participant must be submitted in the English language. RENAC expects a C1 level of English-language knowledge, according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages, in order to verify that the Participant understands the content of the Online Training. For training conducted in Spanish, all the contributions from the participants should be submitted in the Spanish language and RENAC expects at least level C1 as well.
b) Mathematical knowledge is required for individual sections. For this reason, the Participant needs mathematical knowledge of triangle calculation (trigonometry) and logarithms. Upper secondary school leaving qualifications are recommended.
c) Participants must have access to a computer with an internet connection. To be able to watch educational videos, an internet connection with a data transmission speed of at least 2 Mbit/s is recommended. Basic internet skills are expected.
d) RENAC Online Training concludes with an online final examination. The Participant needs to make a declaration under oath that the final examination will be carried out independently and without any aids.
2. Agreement of Participation in RENAC Online Training
a) To register for a RENAC Online Training, the Participant needs to complete the online registration form and submit this application in due time to RENAC. Registration deadlines can be found on www.renac.de. By registering online, the Participant is submitting to RENAC a binding offer for RENAC Online Training. During the registration procedure, the Participant accepts these T&C as well as the selected RENAC Online Training price, services, and RENAC exam regulations (“Examination Regulations”) described on the RENAC website at the time of submission, all of which constitute the RENAC Online Training Agreement (“Agreement”).
b) The RENAC Online Training Agreement between the Participant and RENAC is commenced upon e-mail confirmation by RENAC. Access to the RENAC Online Training is limited to the individual person named on the registration form. RENAC owes the Participant access to the E-Learning Platform and all services. The Participant owes RENAC due payment.
c) The RENAC Online Training service description does not constitute legally binding offers. RENAC is under no obligation to accept a Participant’s order for RENAC Online Training.
d) RENAC reserves the right to change these T&C as well as the RENAC Exam Regulations from time to time. The Participant will be notified of any changes.
3. Start of Training
a) The RENAC Online Training begins on the intake date selected on the application form (1st of February, April, July or October).
b) The Participant receives all access data required for the RENAC E-Learning Platform several days before the official start date of the RENAC Online Training.
c) Access to the E-Learning Platform is granted on the official start date of the Training.
4. RENAC Online Learning Material
a) Training material may consist of, but is not limited to: online reading material, files to download, graphics, self-assessment tests, exams, assignments and links, data, and software programmes as well as all organisational and technical documents and information provided as part of the Training by RENAC, its employees, or contractors (“Material”).
b) Material is provided for the Participant’s personal educational and non-commercial use only.
c) All rights, title, and interest in and to such Material, including but not limited to reproduction, distribution, making public, making available, transmission, translation, performance, display, adaptation and modification, are exclusively reserved by RENAC or its licensors.
d) The Participant especially agrees:
- not to copy or print out any Material, except specially indicated Material;
- not to rent, lease, sublicense, loan, translate, merge, adapt, vary or modify the Material;
- not to alter, or modify, the whole or any part of the Material, nor permit the Material or any part of it to be combined with, or become incorporated into, any other materials;
- not to provide or otherwise make available the Material in whole or in part, in any form, to any person without prior written consent from RENAC.
5. RENAC E-Learning Platform
a) The RENAC E-Learning Platform is accessible via a Participant-specific password. All Participants of a current training have access to the E-Learning Platform and may use the forum(s) to post content-related comments, questions, discussion, links, documents, pictures, etc. Participants may also give private information about themselves and upload pictures and documents. The shared personal data must not be irrelevant or excessive with regard to the agreed purposes. All uploaded or entered contents are fully accessible to all other Participants.
b) If the Participant shares (e.g. uploads or enters private information) on the E-Learning Platform, the Participant is responsible for maintaining the security of that information. The Participant must immediately notify RENAC at tutor@renac.de of any unauthorised uses of the Participant’s information or any other breaches of security. RENAC will not be liable for any acts or omissions by the Participant, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.
c) RENAC has not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and webpages to which the E-Learning Platform links, and that link to the E-Learning Platform. RENAC does not have control over third-party content E-Learning websites or webpages and is not responsible for their contents or their use. By linking to a non-RENAC E-Learning website or webpage, RENAC does not represent or imply that it endorses the website or webpage. The Participant is advised to check privacy policy statements of linked websites as they may deviate from RENAC’s own policies.
d) Posts and other content on the E-Learning Platform not directly provided by RENAC may contain content that is offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable, as well as content containing technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, and other errors. Posts and other content on the E-Learning Platform not directly provided by RENAC may also contain material that violates the privacy or publicity rights, or infringes on the intellectual property, and other proprietary rights, of third parties. The downloading, copying, or use of third party content may be subject to additional terms and conditions, stated or unstated. RENAC disclaims any responsibility for any harm resulting from the use by users of the E-Learning Platform, or from any downloading by those users of non-RENAC content posted.
e) RENAC cannot review all of the material posted to the E-Learning Platform and cannot, therefore, be responsible for that material’s content, use or effects. By operating the E-Learning Platform, RENAC does not represent or imply that it endorses the material there posted, or that it believes such material to be accurate, useful or non-harmful.
f) RENAC informs the Participant that the E-Learning Platform is a service provided by 3iPunt. The use of the E-Learning Platform may be subject to additional terms and conditions of 3iPunt.
6. Responsibility of RENAC E-Learning Platform Users
a) The Participant is responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect personal computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.
b) The Participant must not post or upload material to the E-Learning Platform with content of an offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable nature. The Participant shall omit any activities within the E-Learning Platform that violate the privacy or publicity rights, or infringes upon the intellectual property, and other proprietary rights, of third parties.
c) The Participant must not pass on password(s) and shall reasonably protect password(s) from third-party abuse.
7. Testing Procedures and RENAC Certificates
a) All Training testing procedures, including self-assessments, assignments, and final examination, are governed by the RENAC exam regulations (“Exam Regulations”).
b) The Participant’s performance in the RENAC Online Training will be graded according to the RENAC Exam Regulations (www.renac.de) after the Participant submits the final exam.
c) Participants who pass the RENAC Online Training will receive a “Graded RENAC Certificate” confirming that the Participant attended and passed the RENAC Online Training. The certificate will also show the Participant’s final grade. Participants who do not pass the RENAC Online Training will receive “RENAC Certificate of Attendance.” The Certificate of Attendance will not include the final grade.
d) RENAC Certificates for RENAC Online Training are awarded when participants complete RENAC Online Training courses and programmes.
e) RENAC sends the RENAC Certificate as a PDF file to the Participant’s e-mail address as provided in the Participant’s registration form. The Participant is obligated to provide an up-to-date e-mail address, which can receive messages with attachments larger than 4 MB.
8. Specialist, Organisational, and Technical Support
a) In terms of content-related questions, qualified RENAC teaching staff are available via e-mail for the entire duration of the RENAC Online Training to provide competent support. RENAC specialists strive to react promptly, however, the maximum response time is 48 hours on workdays in Germany. Questions are handled on the RENAC E-Learning Platform. All questions and responses will be visible to all Participants.
b) Requests or questions about organisational and technical matters should be addressed to tutor@renac.de.
c) All correspondence with the lecturers, trainers, consultants, authors or anyone else providing training or training material on behalf of RENAC must go through RENAC’s E-learning platform.
9. Price and Payment
a) Unless otherwise expressly agreed upon by RENAC, the price and discount structure of each RENAC Online Training shall be the price and discount listed on the RENAC website on the date that the online application form is submitted to RENAC.
b) Prices listed on the RENAC website are final and all-inclusive. There are no handling fees, or additional charges for examinations, certificates or any other service described on the RENAC website. Prices including 19% VAT apply to private customers resident in the EU, companies/ public organisations and NGOs in Germany. No VAT is added for private customers resident outside the EU, companies/ public organisations and NGOs outside Germany.
c) All costs necessary to participate in the RENAC Online Training, such as internet connection costs, computer costs, printing cost, etc., will be the sole responsibility of the Participant.
d) Payment for all RENAC Online Training can only be made via credit card or PayPal or bank transfer.
e) For payment with credit card, RENAC uses all industry-standard efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of Participants’ credit card details, such as encryption technology and firewalls. However, no security measure provides perfect security. The Participant’s credit card number and contact information will be provided to WorldPay or the relevant credit card company. («the Credit Card Company»). Worldpay carries out the collection of credit card payments for us and therefore has access to credit card information and further information necessary to confirm the location and identity of the payer. The Credit Card Company has its own privacy and data collection practices and RENAC has no responsibility or liability for these independent practices.
f) Participants are responsible for paying any bank charges accrued in their country of residence; RENAC will pay any fees for the funds transfer accrued in Germany.
10. Term and Termination
a) The RENAC Online Training Agreement ends, at the latest, two (2) weeks after the official end of the RENAC Online Training.
b) RENAC reserves the right (at any time) to terminate the Participant’s participation and access to the E-Learning Platform with immediate effect if the Participant is in breach of any material term of these T&C by sending an e-mail notice to the Participant (to the e-mail address provided on the registration form).
c) Any termination or notification must be made in writing or via e-mail.
11. Right of Withdrawal
The Participant is entitled to withdraw from the RENAC Online Training Agreement within fourteen (14) days without statement of reason(s). The withdrawal period is fourteen (14) days from the date of commencement of the RENAC Online Training Agreement. Timely dispatch of the notification of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired shall suffice to meet the withdrawal deadline.
If you wish to withdraw from the Agreement, please make the appropriate modifications to the example below and send it to our e-mail address: info@renac.de
«I/we (insert name(s)) hereby withdraw from the Agreement concluded by me/us for the participation in the (insert course title), booked on (insert registration date) to begin on (start date of course).»
12. Consequences of Withdrawal
If the Participant withdraws from the RENAC Online Training Agreement, RENAC must reimburse all payments already received from the Participant, including the cost of delivery, unless the Participant incurs additional delivery costs due to selecting a non-standard delivery option. In such cases, the Participant will be reimbursed the costs of the least costly standard delivery option offered by RENAC, without delay and no later than fourteen (14) days from the date of notification of withdrawal from the Agreement is received by RENAC. For this repayment, RENAC uses the same method of payment used by the Participant in the original transaction, unless otherwise explicitly agreed upon. The Participant shall not be charged a fee for repayment process.
13. Intellectual Property (Copyrights and Trademarks)
a) All course materials, including text, images, and trademarks, are protected by copyright and trademark laws and are owned by RENAC.
b) RENAC, the RENAC logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with RENAC Online Training are trademarks of RENAC AG or RENAC’s licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with the RENAC Online Training may be the trademarks of third parties. The Participant’s use of the RENAC Online Training does not grant the Participant a right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any RENAC or third-party course material and trademarks.
c) Any infringement of RENAC’s intellectual property rights will strictly be prosecuted.
14. Privacy Policy
RENAC will collect, process, and use the Participant’s personal data to provide learning services to the Participant. RENAC will not pass on personal data to third parties without the Participant’s explicit consent or if RENAC is obligated to do so by law.
Personal data will be saved as long as necessary for the provision of the RENAC Online Training services, plus 10 years after that for tax or legal reasons.
Read RENAC’s Privacy Policy here: https://www.renac.de/renac/privacy-policy
15. Warranties and Service Exclusions
a) All RENAC Online Training has been prepared with the utmost care and according to the best of RENAC’s knowledge.
b) RENAC will endeavour to make the E-Learning Platform and its Online Training available, but cannot guarantee that the E-Learning Platform and/or the Online Training will operate continuously or without interruptions that could affect use of the E-Learning Platform and/or the Online Training. The Online Training and/or the E-Learning Platform may provide links to other websites, which are not under the control of RENAC. RENAC shall not be responsible in any way for the content of any such other websites. The Participant acknowledges that RENAC provides such links only as a convenience.
c) The E-Learning Platform and/or the Online Training are provided for general information and illustrative purposes only and do not constitute financial, legal, or other professional advice. Neither RENAC nor RENAC’s contractors guarantee or warrant completeness and correctness of information, including of calculations. RENAC makes no guarantee whatsoever as to the accuracy of future-oriented statements, assumptions, and estimations made within the scope of any Online Training, nor to the achievement of forecasts and predictions.
d) No warranty is given that the training Material will be fit for any particular purpose.
16. Indemnification
Participants indemnify and hold harmless RENAC, its contractors, its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims and expenses including attorneys’ fees, arising out of the use of the RENAC E-Learning Platform, including, but not limited to, the Participant’s violation of these T&C. Corporate clients are liable for the Participants they have enrolled.
17. Liability
a) Nothing in these T&C shall operate to exclude or limit RENAC’s liability for:
- death or personal injury caused by the negligence of RENAC, its servants, agents, employees or subcontractors;
- fraudulent misrepresentation; or
- any breach of any implied term, which cannot be excluded or limited.
b) Subject to clause a) of this paragraph, RENAC shall not be liable to the Participant or any third party for any loss of, damage to, or costs with respect to:
- loss of profit, anticipated profits, revenues or anticipated savings, goodwill or business opportunity; or
- loss of data; or
- indirect or
- consequential loss or damage
regardless of whether any of the matters listed in (a), (b), and (c) below are foreseeable, known, foreseen or otherwise.
c) Subject to condition a) of this paragraph, the maximum liability of RENAC arising out of or in connection with any Agreement made pursuant to these T&C or any collateral contract, whether in contract, tort (in each case including negligence) or otherwise shall in no circumstances exceed either EUR 1,000 or the sum paid by the Participant to RENAC, whichever is lower.
d) Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under these T&C caused by circumstances beyond that party’s reasonable control.
18. Jurisdiction and Place of Jurisdiction
a) These T&C (and all disputes, whether contractual or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with them) are governed by German Law, excluding its International Private Law.
b) For any disputes arising from a RENAC Online Training Agreement or concerning the existence of such an Agreement, the court of the location of the Participant’s place of general jurisdiction shall have sole authority.
c) In the event that the Participant’s usual place of residence lies outside the scope of this law, or the Participant is enrolled on behalf of a corporation, or if the Participant’s domicile or usual residence is unknown at the time proceedings commence, Berlin, Germany shall apply as the place of jurisdiction.
19. Final Provisions
a) Should individual provisions of the Agreement be or become invalid either in full or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain hereby unaffected. The fully or partially ineffective provision should be replaced by one which most closely corresponds in a legally permissible manner to the commercial purpose of the ineffective provision. This also applies to the filling of any contractual loopholes.
b) The benefits and obligations conferred by these T&C upon the Participant shall not be assigned, delegated, transferred, sub-contracted, or encumbered, or otherwise made available or disposed of, without the express prior written consent of RENAC.
c) Any amendments or supplements to the RENAC Online Training Agreement shall be valid only if made in writing. There are no verbal subsidiary agreements.
d) Notices to the Participant may be sent to the Participant either by e-mail or to the postal address on the Participant’s registration form. Notice will be deemed received twenty-four (24) hours after an e-mail is sent or three (3) days after the date of posting. Participants are obliged to forward relevant RENAC e-mails to their corporate person in charge at once.
e) RENAC reserves the right to change these T&C from time to time. The Participant will be notified of any changes.
Scope of Application
The Renewables Academy AG («RENAC») provides training internationally on green energy, plus a variety of business services to develop capacities for a sustainable energy supply, including in-person training (“In-Person Training”). Detailed information on In-Person Training content, duration, material provision, number of tests, and supporting services are described in each In-Person Training description on the RENAC website (www.renac.de).
The following terms and conditions (“T&C”) govern the participation in and the use of all In-Person Training services. These T&C apply to persons who enrol on a private basis or that are part of a corporate enrolment (“Participant”). These T&C shall govern this Agreement exclusively. The Participant herewith agrees, that Participant’s terms and conditions, procurement guidelines, etc. are herewith excluded and will not come into effect.
1. Conditions for Participation
a) In-Person Training is conducted in the English language; therefore, all contributions of the Participant must be submitted in the English language and RENAC expects a C1 level of English-language knowledge, according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages, in order to verify that the Participant understands the content of the In-Person Training.
b) Mathematical knowledge is required for individual sections. For this reason, the Participant needs mathematical knowledge of triangle calculation (trigonometry) and logarithms. Upper secondary school leaving qualifications are recommended.
2. Agreement of Participation in In-Person Training
a) To register for an In-Person Training, the Participant needs to complete the online registration form and transfer this application in due time to RENAC. Registration deadlines can be found on the RENAC website (www.renac.de).
By registering online, the Participant is submitting to RENAC a binding offer for In-Person Training. During the registration procedure, the Participant accepts these T&C as well as the selected In-Person Training price and services described on the RENAC website at the time of submission, all of which constitute the In-Person Training Agreement (“Agreement”).
Directly after the online registration, the Participant will receive a non-binding preliminary confirmation of the registration via e-mail.
b) The In-Person Training Agreement between the Participant and RENAC is concluded upon a final booking confirmation by RENAC via e-mail, which will be sent to the Participant 28 calendar days before the start of the In-Person Training.
Until this time, RENAC may cancel the In-Person Training without reason by e-mail notice.
Any travel or other arrangements made before the receipt of a final booking confirmation from RENAC done so by the Participant, is at the Participant’s own risk. The right to participate in the selected In-Person Training is limited to the individual person named on the registration form. The Participant owes RENAC due payment.
c) The In-Person Training services descriptions do not constitute a legally binding offer. RENAC is under no obligation to accept a Participant’s order for an In-Person Training.
3. Organisational Issues and Travel Arrangements
a) The Participant needs to organise, book, and pay for travel from the home destination to Berlin and back, as well organise, book, and pay for accommodation in Berlin, and all other travel arrangements not explicitly covered in the In-Person Training fee, without assistance (financial or otherwise) from RENAC.
b) The visa application process should be taken into account when making a booking. Registrants are responsible for all costs and risks associated with visa applications. Should a Participant need a letter of invitation for the local German Embassy, RENAC will send an electronic letter of invitation to the individual following receipt of payment in RENAC’s or its partner’s bank account, and the provision of the Participant’s passport information.
c) RENAC will provide the Participant with information about hotels and accommodation situated near the In-Person Training venue. Costs for travel arrangements, etc. within the In-Person Training, such as site visits, course meals and excursions, are covered by the In-Person Training fee.
d) Full joining instructions, including programme dates, times, and special instructions, will be sent to the Participant no later than two (2) weeks prior to the In-Person Training. RENAC may change dates, times, venues, and scheduled topics if necessary.
4. In-Person Learning Material
a) RENAC may provide the Participant with In-Person Training material, such as printouts, data, information, software tools, organisational and technical documents, and information provided as part of the Training by RENAC, its employees, or contractors (“Material”)
b) The Participant may only use such Material for personal educational and non-commercial purposes.
c) All rights, title, and interest in and to said Material including, but not limited to, reproduction, distribution, making public, making available, transmission, translation, performance, display, adaptation, and modification are exclusively reserved for RENAC or its licensors.
d) The Participant especially agrees:
- not to copy the Material except for the purposes of completing the relevant In-Person Training;
- not to rent, lease, sublicense, loan, translate, merge, adapt, vary, or modify the Material;
- not to alter or modify, the whole or any part of the Material, nor permit the Material or any part of it to be combined with, or become incorporated into, any other materials;
- not to provide or otherwise make available the Material or documentation in whole or in part, in any form to any person without prior written consent from RENAC.
5. Certificate of Attendance
Participants of RENAC’s in-person courses may receive a “Graded RENAC Certificate” confirming that the Participant attended and passed the RENAC Training. The certificate may also show the Participant’s final grade. Participants who do not pass the RENAC Training will receive a “RENAC Certificate of Attendance.” The Certificate of Attendance will not include the final grade. The certificate will not be awarded if a Participant misses more than one-third of all scheduled training lessons.
6. Price and Payment
a) Unless otherwise expressly agreed upon by RENAC in writing, the price and discount structure of each In-Person Training shall be the price and discount listed on the RENAC website at the time of sending an online application form to RENAC.
b) Prices are final and include teaching, In-Person Training lessons, seminar Material, lunch and coffee during the seminar breaks, welcome event, and field trips including transportation. There are no extra charges for handling, certificates, or any other service described on the RENAC website. Prices are in Euro and include VAT.
c) Payment for all In-Person Training can only be made via credit card, PayPal, or bank transfer and must be received by RENAC no later than 28 days before the start of the In-Person Training.
d) For payment by credit card, RENAC uses industry-standard efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of Participants’ credit card details, such as encryption technology and firewalls. However, no security measure provides perfect security. The Participant’s credit card number and contact information will be provided to WorldPay or the relevant credit card company. («the Credit Card Company»). Worldpay carries out the collection of credit card payments for us and therefore has access to credit card information and further information necessary to confirm the location and identity of the payer. The Credit Card Company has its own privacy and data collection practices and RENAC has no responsibility or liability for these independent practices.
e) Participants are responsible for paying any bank charges accrued in their country of residence. RENAC will pay any fees for the funds transfer accrued in Germany.
7. Cancellation Policy
a) If, for any reason, RENAC needs to cancel an In-Person Training before the final booking confirmation, In-Person Training fees already paid will be refunded in full.
b) If, for any reason, RENAC needs to cancel an In-Person Training after a final booking confirmation, RENAC will refund the In-Person Training fee already paid in full plus flight cancellation fees caused by RENAC’s cancellation. Any further claims for costs associated with attending the In-Person Training, including compensation for costs associated with other flight costs, accommodation (e.g. hotel), money transfer costs, etc. incurred by the Participant will not be covered by RENAC.
c) The Participant may cancel the In-Person Training any time before the beginning of the In-Person Training by notifying RENAC via e-mail. RENAC will charge the Participant a cancellation fee according to when the cancellation request received. The Participant will be charged:
- 20% of the In-Person Training fee for cancellations received between 28 and 14 calendar days before the start of the In-Person Training.
- 80% of the In-Person Training fee for cancellations received 13 calendar days or less before the start of the In-Person Training.
- 100% of the In-Person Training fee for Participants who do not attend the In-Person Training and who did not notify RENAC prior to not attending.
d) Registrations cannot be transferred to another course.
e) All cancellations must be received in writing, via email or direct mail.
8. Right and Consequences of Withdrawal
The Participant is entitled to withdraw from the RENAC In-Person Training Agreement within fourteen (14) days without statement of reason(s). The withdrawal period is fourteen (14) days from the agreement commencement. Timely dispatch of the notification of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired shall suffice to meet the withdrawal deadline.
If you wish to withdraw from the Agreement, please make the appropriate modifications to the example below and send it to our e-mail address: info@renac.de
«I/we (insert name(s)) hereby withdraw from the Agreement signed by me/us for the participation in the (insert course title), booked on (insert registration date) to begin on (start date of course).»
If the Participant withdraws from the In-Person Training Agreement, RENAC must reimburse the Participant for all payments received from the Participant, including the cost of delivery unless the Participant incurs additional delivery costs due to selecting a non-standard delivery option. In such cases, the Participant will be reimbursed the costs of the least costly standard delivery option offered by RENAC, without delay and no later than fourteen (14) days from the date on which the notification of withdrawal from the Agreement is received by RENAC. For this repayment, RENAC shall use the same method of payment used by the Participant in the original transaction, unless otherwise explicitly agreed upon; the Participant shall not in any case be charged a fee for the repayment.
9. Privacy Policy
RENAC will collect, process, and use the Participant’s personal data to provide learning services to the Participant. RENAC will not pass on personal data to third parties without the Participant’s explicit consent or if RENAC is obligated to do so by law.
Personal data will be saved as long as necessary for the provision of the RENAC Online Training services, plus 10 years after that for tax or legal reasons.
Read RENAC’s Privacy Policy here: https://www.renac.de/renac/privacy-policy.
10. Warranties and Service Exclusions
a) Each In-Person Training has been prepared with the utmost care and according to the best of RENAC’s knowledge.
b) RENAC Material, instruction, and In-Person Training content are provided for general information and illustrative purposes only and do not constitute financial, legal, or other professional advice. Neither RENAC nor RENAC’s contractors guarantee or warrant completeness and correctness of information, including of calculations. RENAC makes no guarantee whatsoever as to the accuracy of future-oriented statements, assumptions, and estimations made within the scope of the in-person training courses, nor to the achievement of forecasts and predictions.
c) No warranty is given that the In-Person Training Material will be fit for any particular purpose.
11. Indemnification
Participants indemnify and hold harmless RENAC, its contractors, its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims and expenses including attorneys’ fees, arising out of the use of the RENAC E-Learning Platform, including, but not limited to, the Participant’s violation of these T&C. Corporate clients are liable for the Participants they have enrolled.
12. Liability
a) Nothing in these T&C shall operate to exclude or limit RENAC’s liability for:
- death or personal injury caused by the negligence of RENAC, its servants, agents, employees, or subcontractors;
- essential contractual obligations.
With respect to the breach of essential contractual obligations, RENAC shall bear liability solely for damages that are typical and foreseeable within the context of the contractual relationship.
b) Subject to clause a) of this paragraph, RENAC shall not be held liable for damages caused by slight negligence.
c) Subject to clause a) of this paragraph, RENAC shall not be liable to the Participant or any third party for any loss of, damage to, or costs in respect of:
- loss of profit, anticipated profits, revenues or anticipated savings, goodwill or business opportunity; or
- indirect or consequential loss or damage
regardless of whether any of the matters listed in (a), (b), and (c) above are foreseeable, known, foreseen or otherwise.
d) Subject to condition (a) of this paragraph, the maximum liability of RENAC arising out of or in connection with any Agreement made pursuant to these T&C or any collateral contract, whether in contract, tort (in each case including negligence) or otherwise shall under no circumstances exceed either EUR 1,000 or the sum paid by the Participant to RENAC, whichever is the lower.
e) Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under these T&C caused by circumstances beyond that party’s reasonable control.
13. Intellectual Property (Copyrights and Trademarks)
a) All course materials, including text, images, and trademarks, are protected by copyright and trademark laws and are owned by RENAC.
b) RENAC, the RENAC logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the In-Person Training are trademarks of RENAC AG or RENAC’s licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics and logos used in connection with the In-Person Training may be the trademarks of third parties. The Participant’s use of the In-Person Training services does not grant the Participant a right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any RENAC or third-party course material and trademarks.
c) Any infringement of RENAC’s intellectual property rights will strictly be prosecuted.
14. Jurisdiction and Place of Jurisdiction
a) These T&C (and all disputes, whether contractual or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with them) are governed by German Law, excluding its International Private Law.
b) The place of Jurisdiction shall be Berlin, Germany.
15. Final Provisions
a) Should individual provisions of the Agreement be or become invalid either in full or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain hereby unaffected. The fully or partially ineffective provision should be replaced by one which most closely corresponds in a legally permissible manner to the commercial purpose of the ineffective provision. This also applies to the filling of any contractual loopholes.
b) The benefits and obligations conferred by these T&C upon the Participant shall not be assigned, delegated, transferred, sub-contracted, or encumbered or otherwise made available or disposed of without the expressed written consent of RENAC.
c) Any amendments or supplements to the In-Person Training Agreement shall be valid only if made in writing. There are no verbal subsidiary agreements.
d) Notices to the Participant may be sent to the Participant either by e-mail or to the postal address set out on the Participant’s registration form. Notice will be deemed received twenty-four (24) hours after an e-mail is sent or three (3) days after the date of posting. Participants are obligated to forward relevant RENAC e-mails to their corporate person in charge at once.
e) RENAC reserves the right to change these T&C from time to time. The Participant will be notified of any changes.
Scope of Application
The Renewables Academy AG («RENAC») provides Training internationally on green energy, plus a variety of business services to develop capacities for a sustainable energy supply. One of the training formats offered are blended learning trainings, including both a virtual training component that takes place online and interaction may occur virtually and live (“Virtual Training”) as well as an in-person training (“In-Person Training”). Detailed information on Blended Learning content, duration, material provision, number of tests and supporting services are described in each Training description to be found on the RENAC website (www.renac.de).
The following terms and conditions (“T&C”) govern the participation in and the use of all Blended Learning Training services. These T&C apply to persons that enrol on a private basis or that are part of a corporate enrolment (“Participant”). These T&C shall govern this agreement exclusively. The Participant herewith agrees, that Participant’s terms and conditions, procurement guidelines, etc. are herewith excluded and will not come into effect.
1. Conditions for Participation
a) Blended Learning Training is conducted in English or Spanish; therefore all Participant contributions must be submitted in the selected language respectively and RENAC expects a C1 level of the selected language knowledge, according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages, in order to verify that the Participant understands the content of the Virtual Training.
b) Mathematical knowledge is required for individual sections. For this reason, the Participant needs mathematical knowledge of triangle calculation (trigonometry) and logarithms. Upper secondary school leaving qualifications are recommended.
2. Agreement of Participation in Blended Learning Training
a) To register for a Blended Learning Training, the Participant needs to complete the online registration form and transfer this application in due time to RENAC. Registration deadlines can be found on the RENAC website (www.renac.de).
By registering online, the Participant is submitting to RENAC a binding order for the selected training. During the registration procedure, the Participant accepts these T&C as well as the selected Blended Learning Training price and services described on the RENAC website at the time of submission, all of which constitute the Blended Learning Training Agreement (“Agreement”).
Directly after the online registration, the Participant will receive a non-binding preliminary confirmation of the registration via e-mail.
b) The Blended Learning Training Agreement between the Participant and RENAC is commenced upon a final booking confirmation by RENAC via e-mail, which will be sent to the Participant fourteen (14) calendar days, at the latest, before the Blended Learning Training begins.
Until this time, RENAC may cancel the Blended Learning Training without reason by e-mail.
Any arrangements made before the receipt of a final booking confirmation from RENAC done so by the Participant, is at the Participant’s own risk. The right to participate in the selected Blended Learning Training is limited to the individual person named on the registration form. The Participant owes RENAC due payment.
c) The Blended Learning Training services descriptions do not constitute a legally binding offer. RENAC is under no obligation to accept a Participant’s order for a Blended Learning Training.
3. Start of Training
a) The RENAC Blended Learning Training begins on the intake date selected on the application form (1st of April or October).
b) The Participant receives all access data required for the RENAC E-Learning Platform several days before the official start date of the RENAC Online Training.
c) Access to the E-Learning Platform is granted on the official start date of the Training.
4. Organisational Issues of Blended Learning Training
RENAC´s Blended Learning Trainings include the following parts, their conditions mentioned below:
a. Online Learning on E-Learning Platform (described in §5);
b. Live virtual training (described in §6);
c. In-person training (described in §7).
5. RENAC Online Learning Material
a) Training material may consist of, but is not limited to: online reading material, files to download, graphics, self-assessment tests, exams, assignments and links, data, and software programmes as well as all organisational and technical documents and information provided as part of the Training by RENAC, its employees, or contractors (“Material”).
b) Material is provided for the Participant’s personal educational and non-commercial use only.
c) All rights, title, and interest in and to such Material, including but not limited to reproduction, distribution, making public, making available, transmission, translation, performance, display, adaptation and modification, are exclusively reserved by RENAC or its licensors.
d) The Participant especially agrees:
- not to copy or print out any Material, except specially indicated Material;
- not to rent, lease, sublicense, loan, translate, merge, adapt, vary or modify the Material;
- not to alter, or modify, the whole or any part of the Material, nor permit the Material or any part of it to be combined with, or become incorporated into, any other materials;
- not to provide or otherwise make available the Material in whole or in part, in any form, to any person without prior written consent from RENAC.
5.1 RENAC E-Learning Platform
a) The RENAC E-Learning Platform is part of the Blended Learning Training and is accessible via a Participant-specific password. All Participants of a current training have access to the E-Learning Platform and may use the forum(s) to post content-related comments, questions, discussion, links, documents, pictures, etc. Participants may also give private information about themselves and upload pictures and documents. The shared personal data must not be irrelevant or excessive with regard to the agreed purposes. All uploaded or entered contents are fully accessible to all other Participants.
b) If the Participant shares (e.g. uploads or enters private information) on the E-Learning Platform, the Participant is responsible for maintaining the security of that information. The Participant must immediately notify RENAC at tutor@renac.de of any unauthorised uses of the Participant’s information or any other breaches of security. RENAC will not be liable for any acts or omissions by the Participant, including any damages of any kind incurred as a result of such acts or omissions.
c) RENAC has not reviewed, and cannot review, all of the material made available through the websites and webpages to which the E-Learning Platform links, and that link to the E-Learning Platform. RENAC does not have control over third-party content E-Learning websites or webpages and is not responsible for their contents or their use. By linking to a non-RENAC E-Learning website or webpage, RENAC does not represent or imply that it endorses the website or webpage. The Participant is advised to check privacy policy statements of linked websites as they may deviate from RENAC’s own policies.
d) Posts and other content on the E-Learning Platform not directly provided by RENAC may contain content that is offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable, as well as content containing technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes, and other errors. Posts and other content on the E-Learning Platform not directly provided by RENAC may also contain material that violates the privacy or publicity rights, or infringes on the intellectual property, and other proprietary rights, of third parties. The downloading, copying, or use of third party content may be subject to additional terms and conditions, stated or unstated. RENAC disclaims any responsibility for any harm resulting from the use by users of the E-Learning Platform, or from any downloading by those users of non-RENAC content posted.
e) RENAC cannot review all of the material posted to the E-Learning Platform and cannot, therefore, be responsible for that material’s content, use or effects. By operating the E-Learning Platform, RENAC does not represent or imply that it endorses the material there posted, or that it believes such material to be accurate, useful or non-harmful.
f) RENAC informs the Participant that the E-Learning Platform is a service provided by 3iPunt. The use of the E-Learning Platform may be subject to additional terms and conditions of 3iPunt.
5.2 Responsibility of RENAC E-Learning Platform Users
a) The Participant is responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect personal computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.
b) The Participant must not post or upload material to the E-Learning Platform with content of an offensive, indecent or otherwise objectionable nature. The Participant shall omit any activities within the E-Learning Platform that violate the privacy or publicity rights, or infringes upon the intellectual property, and other proprietary rights, of third parties.
c) The Participant must not pass on password(s) and shall reasonably protect password(s) from third-party abuse.
5.3 Testing Procedures and RENAC Certificates
All Training testing procedures, including self-assessments, assignments, and final examination, are governed by the RENAC exam regulations (“Exam Regulations”).
5.4 Specialist, Organisational, and Technical Support
a) In terms of content-related questions, qualified RENAC teaching staff are available via e-mail for the entire duration of the RENAC Online Training to provide competent support. RENAC specialists strive to react promptly, however, the maximum response time is 48 hours on workdays in Germany. Questions are handled on the RENAC E-Learning Platform. All questions and responses will be visible to all Participants.
b) Requests or questions about organisational and technical matters should be addressed to tutor@renac.de.
c) All correspondence with the lecturers, trainers, consultants, authors or anyone else providing training or training Material on behalf of RENAC must go through RENAC’s E-learning platform.
6. Live virtual trainings
a) Arrangement: Each participant is responsible for making the necessary technical arrangements to be able to participate interactively in the events (e.g. live virtual classrooms). Therefore, we ask you to do the following:
- We recommend you find a quiet and bright room where you can follow the event undisturbed.
- Connect your computer to the Internet via a LANcable. WLAN also works well, but depending on the connection, is more susceptible to loss of connectivity.
- We recommend you set up a camera and microphone to make yourself visible and audible to those in attendance.
- Log in to Zoom at least 10 minutes (or as specified by the event organiser) before the official start, so that technical problems can be solved beforehand.
- When you click “Join,” you can enter the provided access data (meeting ID and password) and will be asked if you want to join via your browser (e.g. Firefox, Chrome) or via the Zoom app. In order to ensure you get the best experience and can participate actively in the event, we highly recommend you to use the Zoom app. Further information can be found on the Zoom website, which you can access by clicking this link: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/214629443-Zoom-web-client.
b) Communication: Our live virtual seminars are interactive events characterised by positive group atmosphere and fruitful exchanges among participants. To continue to achieve this positive atmosphere, we ask you to do the following:
- Please enter your full name (name and last name) and institution in brackets (if applicable) when you sign in, so that everyone can address you as you would like to be addressed.
- Turn on your video throughout the entire session, so that you will be able to communicate and network effectively with those in attendance.
- If someone else is speaking, please turn off your microphone to reduce interference from background noises.
- If someone is speaking and you would like to say something, use the icon, «raise your hand,» or post your question or idea in the chat. The moderator will let you speak at a suitable time, or answer in the chat.
- If you are asked to speak or would like to speak, please turn on the microphone and introduce yourself briefly with your name and, if applicable, your institution, so that the other participants know who is speaking.
c) Recording: Depending on the event, we may record it and share the recording with participants or project partners. We will inform you of this before the start of the event. If you do not wish to be seen or heard on a recording, please let us know beforehand so that we can take this into account. You do not need to turn on your camera or your microphone, and you may use the chat function to communicate.
For free webinars that are designed to be published online, participants only have access to the chat function to ask questions. The trainer may mention the name you provided on Zoom and your question when responding.
d) Photos/Screenshots: We will not take screenshots or photos during sessions nor publish them on social media without asking. If we do wish to take a photo of you and share it, we will ask you in advance for your permission.
6.1 Responsibility of RENAC Live Virtual Training Participants
a) The Live Virtual Training as part of the Blended Learning format will be conducted in a virtual classroom (“Live Virtual Training Platform”).
b) The Participant is responsible for taking precautions as necessary to protect personal computer systems from viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and other harmful or destructive content.
c) The Participant must not post material or upload material to the Virtual Training Platform that is offensive, indecent, or otherwise of an objectionable nature. The Participant shall desist from any activities within the Virtual Training Platform that violate the privacy or publicity rights, or infringes upon the intellectual property and other proprietary rights, of third parties.
d) The Participant must not share or communicate their password(s) to others and must take reasonable precautions to protect their password(s) from third party abuse.
7. In-person Training
a) The in-person Training component is part of the Blended Learning Training and is offered in a hybrid form. Participants can choose to participate in-person or virtually live. In case of a virtual participation the regulations for live virtual events apply (§6) In case of an in-person participation the following regulations apply.
b) The Participant needs to organise, book, and pay for travel from the home destination to Berlin and back, as well organise, book, and pay for accommodation in Berlin, and all other travel arrangements not explicitly covered in the In-Person Training fee, without assistance (financial or otherwise) from RENAC.
c) The visa application process should be taken into account when making a booking. Registrants are responsible for all costs and risks associated with visa applications. Should a Participant need a letter of invitation for the local German Embassy, upon request by the participant RENAC will send an electronic letter of invitation to the individual following receipt of payment in RENAC’s or its partner’s bank account, and the provision of the Participant’s passport information.
d) RENAC will provide the Participant with information about hotels and accommodation situated near the In-Person Training venue.
Costs for travel arrangements, etc. within the In-Person Training, such as site visits, course meals and excursions, are covered by the In-Person Training fee.
e) Full joining instructions, including programme dates, times, and special instructions, will be sent to the Participant no later than two (2) weeks prior to the In-Person Training. RENAC may change dates, times, venues, and scheduled topics if necessary.
8. Blended Learning Training Material
a) RENAC may provide the Participant with In-Person Training material, such as printouts or PDFs, data, information, software tools, organisational and technical documents, and information provided as part of the Training by RENAC, its employees, or contractors (“Material”).
b) The Participant may only use such Material for personal educational and non-commercial purposes.
c) All rights, title, and interest in and to said Material including, but not limited to, reproduction, distribution, making public, making available, transmission, translation, performance, display, adaptation, and modification are exclusively reserved for RENAC or its licensors.
d) The Participant especially agrees:
- not to copy the Material except for the purposes of completing the relevant In-Person Training;
- not to rent, lease, sublicense, loan, translate, merge, adapt, vary, or modify the Material;
- not to alter or modify, the whole or any part of the Material, nor permit the Material or any part of it to be combined with, or become incorporated into, any other materials;
- not to provide or otherwise make available the Material or documentation in whole or in part, in any form to any person without prior written consent from RENAC.
9. Certificates
Participants will receive a “Graded RENAC Certificate” confirming that the Participant attended and passed the RENAC Blended Learning Training by fulfilling all examination requirements. The certificate may also show the Participant’s final grade. The certificate will not be awarded if a Participant misses more than one-third of all scheduled Training lessons.
10. Price and Payment
a) Unless otherwise expressly agreed upon by RENAC in writing, the price and discount structure of each Blended Learning Training shall be the price and discount listed on the RENAC website at the time of sending an online application form to RENAC.
b) Prices are final and include Blended Learning Training lessons and training Material. There are no extra charges for handling, certificates, or any other service described on the RENAC website. Prices including 19% VAT apply to private customers resident in the EU, companies/ public organisations and NGOs in Germany. No VAT is added for private customers resident outside the EU, companies/ public organisations and NGOs outside Germany.
c) Payment for each Blended Learning Training can only be made via credit card, PayPal, or bank transfer and must be received by RENAC no later than 14 days before the training or 7 days after registration.
d) In the case of credit card payments, RENAC employs diligent measures to preserve the confidentiality of participants’ credit card details, including the utilization of encryption technology and firewalls. Nevertheless, it is acknowledged that absolute security is not attainable on the Internet.» The Participant’s credit card number and contact information will be provided to WorldPay (a service for credit card payments) or the relevant credit card company («the Credit Card Company»). Worldpay carries out the collection of credit card payments for us and therefore has access to credit card information and further information necessary to confirm the location and identity of the payer. The Credit Card Company has its own privacy and data collection practices and RENAC has no responsibility or liability for these independent practices.
e) Participants are responsible for paying any bank charges accrued in their country of residence; RENAC will pay any fees for funds transfer accrued in Germany.
11. Cancellation Policy
a) If, for any reason, RENAC needs to cancel a Blended Learning Training before the final booking confirmation, Blended Learning Training fees already paid will be refunded in full.
b) If, for any reason, RENAC needs to cancel a Blended Learning Training after a final booking confirmation, RENAC will refund the Blended Learning Training fee already paid in full. Money transfer costs incurred by the Participant will not be covered.
c) The Participant may cancel the Blended Learning Training any time before the beginning of the Blended Learning Training by notifying RENAC via e-mail. RENAC will charge the Participant a cancellation fee according to when the cancellation request received. The Participant will be charged:
- 20% of the Blended Learning Training fee for cancellations received between 14 and 7 calendar days before the start of the Blended Learning Training.
- 80% of the Blended Learning Training fee for cancellations 7 calendar days or less before the start of the Blended Learning Training.
- 100% of the Blended Learning Training fee for Participants who do not attend the Blended Learning Training and who did not notify RENAC prior to not attending.
- If a participant cannot for some reason finish one semester, they can pause their participation and continue with their studies in the next semester (but of course only within the online academy) and has to pay 20% of the original price for admin fees for next semester.
d) Registrations cannot be transferred to another course.
e) All cancellations must be received in writing, via e-mail or direct mail.
12. Right and Consequences of Withdrawal
The Participant is entitled to withdraw from the RENAC Blended Learning Training Agreement within fourteen (14) days without statement of reasons. The withdrawal period is fourteen (14) days after registration and receiving the RENAC Blended Learning Training Agreement. Timely dispatch of the notification of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired shall suffice to meet the withdrawal deadline.
If you wish to withdraw from the Agreement, please make the appropriate modifications to the example below and send it to our e-mail address: info@renac.de
«I/we (insert name(s)) hereby withdraw from the Agreement signed by me/us for the participation in the (insert course title), booked on (insert registration date) to begin on (start date of course).»
If the Participant withdraws from the Blended Learning Training Agreement, RENAC must reimburse the Participant for all payments received from the Participant, including the cost of delivery unless the Participant incurs additional delivery costs due to selecting a non-standard delivery option. In such cases, the Participant will be reimbursed the costs of the least costly standard delivery option offered by RENAC, without delay and no later than fourteen (14) days from the date on which the notification of withdrawal from the Agreement is received by RENAC. For this repayment, RENAC shall use the same method of payment used by the Participant in the original transaction, unless otherwise explicitly agreed upon; the Participant shall not in any case be charged a fee for the repayment.
13. Privacy Policy
RENAC will collect, process, and use the Participant’s personal data to provide learning services to the Participant. RENAC will not pass on personal data to third parties without the Participant’s explicit consent or if RENAC is obligated to do so by law.
Personal data will be saved as long as necessary for the provision of the RENAC Online Training services, plus 10 years after that for tax or legal reasons.
Read RENAC’s Privacy Policy here: https://www.renac.de/renac/privacy-policy
14. Warranties and service exclusions
a) Each Blended Learning Training has been prepared with the utmost care and according to the best of RENAC’s knowledge.
b) RENAC Material, instruction, and Blended Learning Training content are provided for general information and illustrative purposes only and do not constitute financial, legal, or other professional advice. Neither RENAC nor RENAC’s contractors guarantee or warrant completeness and correctness of information, including of calculations. RENAC makes no guarantee whatsoever as to the accuracy of future-oriented statements, assumptions, and estimations made within the scope of the training activities and materials, nor to the achievement of forecasts and predictions.
c) No warranty is given that the Blended Learning Training Material will be fit for any particular purpose.
15. Indemnification
Participants indemnify and hold harmless RENAC, its contractors, its licensors, and their respective directors, officers, employees, and agents from and against any and all claims and expenses including attorneys’ fees, arising out of the use of the RENAC E-Learning Platform, including, but not limited to, the Participant’s violation of these T&C. Corporate clients are liable for the Participants they have enrolled.
16. Trademarks
RENAC, the RENAC logo, and all other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Blended Learning Training are trademarks of RENAC or RENAC’s licensors. Other trademarks, service marks, graphics, and logos used in connection with the Blended Learning Training may be the trademarks of other third parties. The Participant’s use of the Blended Learning Training services grants the Participant no right or license to reproduce or otherwise use any RENAC or third-party trademarks.
17. Liability
a) Nothing in these T&C shall operate to exclude or limit RENAC’s liability for:
- death or personal injury caused by RENAC, its servants, agents, employees, or subcontractors;
- essential contractual obligations.
With respect to the breach of essential contractual obligations, RENAC shall be liable only for typical contractual and foreseeable damage.
b) Subject to clause a) of this paragraph, RENAC shall not be held liable for damages caused by slight negligence.
c) Subject to clause a) of this paragraph, RENAC shall not be liable to the Participant or to any third party for any loss of, damage to, or costs with related to:
- loss of profit, anticipated profits, revenues or anticipated savings, goodwill, or business opportunity; or
- indirect or consequential loss or damage.
regardless of whether any of the matters listed in (a), (b), and (c) above are foreseeable, known, foreseen, or otherwise.
d) Subject to condition (a) of this paragraph, the maximum liability of RENAC arising out of or in connection with any Agreement made pursuant to these T&C or any collateral contract, whether in contract, tort (in each case including negligence), or otherwise shall under no circumstances exceed either EUR 1,000 or the sum paid by the Participant to RENAC, whichever is the lower.
e) Neither party shall be liable to the other for any failure or delay in the performance of its obligations under these T&C caused by circumstances beyond that party’s reasonable control.
18. Jurisdiction and Place of Jurisdiction
a) These T&C (and all disputes, whether contractual or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with them) are governed by German Law, excluding its International Private Law.
b) The place of Jurisdiction shall be Berlin, Germany.
19. Final Provisions
a) Should individual provisions of the Agreement be or become invalid either in full or in part, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain hereby unaffected. The fully or partially ineffective provision should be replaced by one which most closely corresponds in a legally permissible manner to the commercial purpose of the ineffective provision. This also applies to the filling of any contractual loopholes.
b) The benefits and obligations conferred by these T&C upon the Participant shall not be assigned, delegated, transferred, sub-contracted, or encumbered or otherwise made available or disposed of without the expressed written consent of RENAC.
c) Any amendments or supplementary agreements to the Virtual Training Agreement shall be valid only if made in writing. There are no verbal subsidiary agreements.
d) Notices to the Participant may be sent to the Participant either by e-mail or to the postal address set out on the Participant’s registration form. Notice will be deemed received twenty-four (24) hours after an e-mail is sent or three (3) days after the date of posting. Participants are obligated to forward relevant RENAC e-mails to their corporate person in charge at once.
e) RENAC reserves the right to change these T&C from time to time. The Participant will be notified of any changes.