
Targeting the general public and the media as well as policy makers, investors and industrialists, EurObserv’ER’s descriptive reports provide a comprehensive picture about the diffusion and growth of renewable energies in the European Union.
Woldcam-Statoil Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm
©Jan Arne Wold - Woldcam - Statoil Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm

European Commission


Communication services, Customer-specific programmes, Quality assurance


European Union


Since 1998

About EurObserv'ER

RENAC is part of the EurObserv’ER consortium since 2010. Since 1998, the EurObserv’ER barometer measures the progress made by renewable energies in each member State of the European Union. EurObserv’ER produces a series of figure-backed indicators covering energetic, technological and economic dimensions. Every two months one market report (barometer) dedicated to one particular renewable energy sector is published. 10 renewable energy technologies (wind power (on und offshore), photovoltaics, solar thermal, CSP (Concentrated solar power), biogas, solid biomass, biofuels and renewables in transport, geothermal energy, heat pumps, hydro power, waste and ocean energy) are covered with energy and installation data less than 12 months old.

The main objectives of our barometers are the following:

  • Monitor and analyze the development of renewable energy sectors in the EU
  • Evaluate the RES progression compared to the 2030 objectives of the European commission
  • Disseminate the results of the investigation to European journalists and energy actors
  • Enable all web visitors to freely download the barometer

Readers can also download all data and create individual graphs at



The State of Renewable Energies in Europe, Edition 2023 (English)


Solid Biofuels Barometer 2023, December 2023 (English)

RES in Transport Barometer 2023, November 2023 (English)

Biogas Barometer 2023, October 2023 (English)

Solar Thermal and Concentrated Solar Power Barometers 2023, June 2023 (English)

Photovoltaic Barometer 2023, April 2023 (English)

Wind Energy Barometer 2023, March 2023 (English)

The State of Renewable Energies in Europe, Edition 2022 (English)


Uta Zaehringer

Uta Zähringer

E-Learning, Academic Programmes and and Professional TrainingHead of Division

Project Consortium

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